
Painters Never Stop


I would say that the Bacon in the freezer is good to go. Cut it into a steak and you are money. Forgetmenot flowers are blue, I remember. Motion detectors and sprinklers look kind of the same.

So yesterday we went to the beach. The beach in the hot sun. The nudie beach. There were police. The RCMP were not nude. I don't trust them. They have guns. They are regular voyuers now. Noo.

So underneath all of that contempt I wore sun tan lotion. Jack had the rubber gromet from the end of his crutch get stuck in the sand on the first time Besh had been in the Pacific Ocean. We all got wet. The water was cold and not very deep. Sand EVERYWHERE>

*****Do you know how much sand there is?*****

*****I am going to make a lot of money off of: SAND!*****

*****Get rich quick! Sand!*****

*****Viagra can be made from Sand!*****
[link to website with many popups, how do they even make money on such a website. Every link is false. Every single link goes to a new fake front page. Occasionally you get an 'enter credit card info here page.' I guess that works.]

So we walked our white horse on wreck beach with lad godiva. She said her vagina was kind of hurting and chunks of Cottage Cheese were discharging. Saddlesore. Saddle leather. Vegan leather is fruit leather. My horses name is

Boo hoo hoo.,

Please Enter Credit Card Info Here:_______________________________
Your SIN or SSN number:_________________________________________
Your address:___________________________________________________
Your mothers address:___________________________________________
Your Phone number please:______________________________________
And email:_____________________________________________________
The real email, not the fake one you put on forms:_________________
Your birthday:__________________________________________________
Security question:_______________________________________________
[We promise, we are security, Read a policy]

Please send to me, with monee.


girl, you are so crazy!

BEGIN mai11.2006

No I wuzn't.

There haf been 15 times today at which point I have realised the solution to all of my problems. Each solution more ingenious than the last. Now I sit in front of the computer waiting. Waiting for my unarticulated ideas to take form.

The problem with everything is that too many people make up problems.

If only everything were in me already, I would never haff to eat. Haffing a big penis does not ensure you get the lots of girls. Haffing a big childhood does not allow you to be growing up right again. They're just flyers, advertising a pressure washer and electric solar garden lights. On sale now. The Jobmate brand of tools is a poor product but it is always cheap.

I hate to think where that iron came from. Nails in my gut foretell of death and disaster.

Did you know that no one of them did anything about it?

We sat there on the beach drinking our wine and flirting. The sun kissed our cheeks and the blue sky shone overnear. We waffled. The Bar-Bee-Que was a terrible mess: Everybody was rained on. At least we'll always have Uclulet.

Me, I believe in friendly bears. Some people say I'm a joke. My person is never empty and never full. I'm a glass half plastic kind of man. We went to the mall to buy new shoes for the wedding and engagment party. The stock broker recommended we invest in some form of Capitol. Lenders are the most generous people in the whole world.

Kindness of strangers reminds me of a cover story for Readers Digest I once wrote for the CIA. The CIA is never late, they always get their man. Mounties mounted the moose. Free sticker labels only $9.95 and dispenser $3.95 plus shipping and tax. 5 lines of 24 characters each, bold or italics.

I want to have angels. I want to have a paving machine. The road would be hot and fresh beneath my every footstep. I would follow closely the line painting truck.

For me there is pepper, I put it on my plate. I was once a punt rock legend in the underground. Forgetmenot for I still maintain the proper haircut. Leaving the birds at the shore we flew into the water. Underneath there were stars and whispy yellow clouds. The Sattelite Jupiter has 4 furthur satellites including a bumpy moon. Ur-anus.

Never in all my years did I see such a hospital helicopter. It was carrying cheap plywood to build a new condiminium development. If only the beds were empty.


there are so many


lets kick his ass I tell you,
we cannot lose if we fight together.
They are skinny and weak with gold money,
their bones are none less than those of the ancient jews.

Why is it that anti-semitism stalks that perticular religion.
Could it be the self definition of religion as race
proof final that support for the idea of race
will kill you.

How old is it all?

I was reading about the fucking nazis on wikipedia and all the documents about the sick bastards and their final solution. How completely documented it was. How the policy was so regular. Didn't ever it occur to them to think why? Why the fuck this race thing is a stupid absurd idea? Of course it did, but not enough evidently.

Fucking racist religion. Or is it even old that way. I bet jews didn't define themselves in such genetic terms until more modern times. That's my theory. That matrilinal nonsense can't have survived as long as supposed. Xian religion is just as bad.

Surrender to the one. They say.

Religion does nothing but keep the poor from murdering the rich.

Stupid jingoistic isrealis on the internet. Amazing how they troll IMC and wikipedia with military disinfo. Worse, almost, is that the anti-semetic fucking fascists are lurking outthere to justify the paranoid jingoistic assholes. Almost justifies a standing army but no actually it doesn't.

Doukabours where are you when we need you? Naked protests shut down it all.

Reading about the May 4, 4 dead in Ohio. Why did I do that today? That's weird. I just thought of it and synchronised. Guns. Fucking Americans. Sorry, Fucking USAers. America, the promise land, is a big place. You haven't conquered it ALL yet monroe.

I'm a USAer. I'm a Jew. Both only sorta. I would rather be a shapeshifting NDN trickster shaman. But I'm afraid it's a mythical being and narcissism won't take me there.

Hippies. Hipsters on bicycles. Just when you thought you helped to make this great community of self supporting self propelled people on bicycles they turn into elitist hipsters. At least if they excluded me I could hate them. I guess it was pretty obvious when you see the 'self' so prominent and self propelled. Individualistic. Critical Mass was never elitist. Not by policy anyways. I guess it's kind of self limiting because of certain things. But those things are open, disobediance is not self limiting, it's about... hippies. hipsters. hmm.

Are we going to as a counter culture fuck it all up again? Punk rock can't save us, not if those GAP commercials are real, and they are. Whatever happened to the GAP? Are they a sinking ship? I hope so.


Anyways. Glory. You are living inside yourself. We are all the same person actually. We are pretending to not be the same but our differance is superficial. I'm not talking about that. Not like, our uniqueness is nothing. No actually, the same person is in you and in me. I am actually you. There are only as many people as there are choices. There are only that many people. We are all the same person living different lives. There is no two. I'm not being abstract about God. I'm saying that even if you and I can't understand it, my brain is your brain. My secret is your secret, especially the secrets that I keep from you forever. Somehow we just don't notice how we are a networked singular being. The beer salami is over anyways.

Hot summer nights are coming. Do we really live them? It always seems like nostalgia for that movement. The summer is over before it starts. We can't really appreciate our own seasons because we are tricked into not living them. Unless we suffer we forget to live except as a faint memory. Content means we are not alive.

Jesus suffered so that we could all suffer too. Your co-workers are staying up late working hard to make more work for you to do. The object of pointlessness is to find a point. The purpose of meaning is to have a place to go.

I wandered around the plaza and looked at people, thinking. I was too afraid to talk to them, too shy. And what would we talk about? I'm not good at small talk. I just keep in my ipod gameboy cellphone book. I just look and watch and judge. If we are all the same then what does it matter if I bother to reach out and talk to you. It doesn't matter, there are so many little dyings, which one of them, is death.

Flowing water under a river. My peacful voice has gone to bed today. Do you mastrubate regularly. Sex isn't like mastrubation, it is better.

The computer consumes me and my time up into it. It is again 4AM and I have been doing basically little of use. I learned about nazis on wikipedia and about the 4 dead in ohio song. I got a get more patchen MP3s but their not as good ones. I wrote emails but I stopped that hours ago and if I quit the computer at 12AM that would have been better.

Who cares?

Apathy is so boring. I have been putting off doing my essay again. I wish school were over. Oh, it already is. I wish school were on. I wish people would care what I was writing and if it was late. I wish I wasn't stressed out at the last minute. I wish to eat salami right now.

Is utne reader becoming a bullshit new age publication? I want the weed that filters my hot tub even though I have no hot tub 'spa.' The pizza guys need to deliver their pizzas by bicycle. The government should subsidies it. business subsidy. Email Peter Ladner. Good policy. Because of the price of gas. Vancouver sun. Cell phones kill another cyclist while driving in langley. Big surprise. This list is frequently updated.