the the the but but but if if if hope we could pray faith in sight see listen the drone.
drone on and on robot forget your worlds of wisdom under the sign of the Paypal button. I forget where the draft is coming from but I can remember that security will never be warmed by hot gun blasts even.
Forget all I say traluuu tra lay. The last part of the day is coldest and we can hope for better. Maybe there isn't any kind of reason to press these buttons. Maybe perhaps it is not as hip as it could be. Perhaps we should kiss with our mouths instead of our digital camera genital close ups. Perhaps we should sing in the streets rather than blog the dark dreams of our nightly anxious upchuck. There is no pablum for the oppressed. The last time.
Forget it all because it will be remembered for you in the library of the global information store computer system. We will filter the results for coherence and rejected data shall be discarded. Forget the perspective now perspective all will be one eye, blind to the self.
Kindness is cheap but not cheap enough. We must produce more faster and the back and front dance moon star shaped jello moulded pudding cakes...