
BEGIN dds april just almost the 19th 2004

the world is not flat. the world is exploding. There are robots in our drinking water. We are thinking the same time as everything else all at once. time is not a mystery but we are in it and it is only over yesterday. I think therefore I am therefore I think therefore I DOUBT

God's paving all the roads but he ain'y making any sounds. the last little bit of the earth was burned up in your gastank so Regret No More! It is all over yesterday. Or is it?

The world is exploding and we are all dancing together. When we look across at one another we do not talk. We say it all.

the fashion rules are in your head. The TV talks the talk and we walk the walk. the robots swallowed in your belly are going to be eating you up soon. Sir, I've got your monopoly here for you. the end. You win. i lose we do not share.

Reset Reboot start again it is all new when we do the power cycle. the computer mind is collective and your assimilation is not mandatory. the choice of 1 2 3 a B C is not the choice of freedom. The binary thought process is calculatable and you are not living in the digital age unless you refuse to listen to your own feet feeling.

the illuminati elite are here to break the rules and you are not going to follow them anymore are you because you and i are the rebel and we are here to share in the new rebirthing of the same old thing.

I wish i could type faster so that you could drive faster and think faster. the new version is going to come out soon and then you and i will be working furoiusly at our new jobs and
Thew shower pours out your blood and you have already paid your quarter into the supermarket vending machine . i am not here to fuyck you over beleive me because i am your boss and i would not fuycvking hire you if i didn't think you were special.

Choice is the choice, yell! crave! look! skip!

The floating pyramid is up in the sky, defining the boundaries, we are all within. This is the art of the new millenium . this is the new way of the boredom I am the TV Video game commando super star. i will kick your ass and kill your ass blow the fuck out.

Because the eart5hh is noqw exploding and we are clinging to the little bits. The soil is seperated and the earthworms are all being pulled apart:

\Did you ever try cutting one in half? Did you know that it doesn't become two. It just fucking dies and is deas. No you stupid fuck you don't get two little worms growing bigger. No you don't. the earth yturns under your feet but the feelers are not there anymore i am whering cushioned pump shoes.


The women ain't got it hgard up anymore than you do. you are really a women and so am I. there is no such thing as men anyway and "the man" ius a conspiracy excuse illuminati crazy talk shape shifting lizards and the train will roll over and cut you in half and you are not going to make the train slow down or ripple or shudder or shake. the fucking beast iss too big for you and it is not what is being the noticed you he she. I am the new language.

Here is my epistemologymeaning theory of knowledge meaning this is how i think meaning this is my programming hard wire hardware not software do you get it now in laymans terms? The computer is the new man's automechinic. All the people in the good citiz4ens democracy are all mena because women do not count and did you know everyman can fix his own car No it is the year 2004 everyman is an amateur computer comptroller comand:

colon: colon: colon: colon: get it?

You think that mathi is the most basic thing to know in the universer and then there is physics which is all really math. and then there is chemistry which is at the foundation all physics. And then there is biologfy which is at the most rooted level type thing is all chemical molcules. And then there is life and philosophy and tyhere is language and art and all the social science soft sKull baby shit.

No th library is where you and me are born because that is what the sttel mangenate carnegie made up as a charity tax write off to assuage his guilt and "give something back" The software library is all copywritten and my database search results are my proprietary property as well. Politics is baby talk and all politicians is currupt didn't you know.

Time manegment is the greatest of the arts. Music is more powerful than theatre or pictures or writing. Writing is the lamest thing for a loser to be doing and art is the fulcking creme de la asshole milky white diahrea I was eating too much bleached popcorn sorry close your mouth - please?

The dog is walking himself. i chopped the monkey's hands off so he cannot type anymore and he will no longer be stealing the ideas out of your brain before you've even thought of them.
i know it is all about the rock and roll. The rock show gets you fucked up the 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111step behind the drum star.

one step behind the drum star. one step behind.

Freedom, you talk about freedom? You are not a crazy bithc. You and i afr free the day we are born and you are only free insofar as you resist the attempts by others to take that away from you. Every woman has the right to under attack to defend herself. Every man has the right to burn his guns in a big big pile and you and I do not know waht sex is if we are onlyfucking and not talking first.

Sex is not the tittly ass licky shitty shitty smell the sweet sweat. The firm ripe feculent fertile voluptuous or any of that even. The curves the temptation the flirt the penis cunt fuck dinky danky cultes klares - eating your pussy golden shower gang bang sodomy fisting fucking the farmer bestial incesuolus love making the love lovey love fuck herby the litlle dildo buzzy clit vulva anal anus canal lubricant cumusm jism let down your hair hang on for the ride pink finger nail polish on your right breast. eating your cock shower the facial big water pressed to the floor. silicone suction the unwanted curves. exposed:

You can only think when you are dreaming. You can only dream when you are vulnerable and exposed wearing you r underwear. Bleeding by the fire bleed the stupid you out into her ear because he is the other and he is the enemy and the weapon is tyhe ruipoff taking adavandatage and trust is what the language is built aupon and i r0ofdo not beleive in the god except you idf you stand in front of me than then than then you are my god and i am your god and there is no tother and there is no god but allah and I see no god except the eye in the soul we are all one together.


and money is trust and ignorance is fear and you and me are unequal and i am a straight young white strong anglo saxon boy man blond fucking stronger than you ebcause you choose me to be the superman becaus i am smart and you are not the universal.

a genius can capture the spirit of the moment. There is no such thing as leadership. Strumming the guitar is not the only solution. The punk rawk vomit in the can of the senior centre hang over work the next day don't go call in seick sir because that is what he is all about.

My ass is fflaming sore faggot lesbian.
and you and I er.

There is nothing else except the question, no answers, only more and better questions? and questions are what you rhetorically respond with in order to avoid the answer.
more drugs please. that will keep the babies pumpin. i am going to pump you up and knock it out me and you mono e mono all sex is rape and we are fucking to make new little baby copies of ourselves.

publish nothing. the nicest girl on earth.The smartest boy on the block.

We shit youzzle.


little shit drizzle my bum leaks. turn the musik louder louder loudE
We have nothing more to be giving you and I say that too. I should really be writing down my most profound daily thoughts. Normally my ideas just fleet on by. I have been writing so much today. I am so burnt out on writing and thinking about other peoples mastrubatory fantasies I am so sick of all of that. I am so sick and pissed and sickly pissed. I don't fucking care anymore shut up and stop your fucking whinning. I am so fucking pissed i don't care I don't care shurt the fuck up go away you narccissitic asshole. I have no more patience for the pap you spew out of your mouth hole. Go away.

They sat in the back yard enjoying a smoke together. They were close and their habits intertwined. They talked about all. They shared visions and dreams and created together. They asked, should you have sex with your woman or should you have sex with your computer? They asked why are you here anywhay, what are you afraid of, what are you putting off. i don't know but I think this is getting kind of traumatic. You ahve been hiding something for too long and now it will be unhidden. There is too much at stake and you cannot lie any longer. Where are your problkems anyway. Do you even notice what yourself is? Whackos with personal problems.


BEGIN Manifest this motherfucker number 8 april 6 year 4

Now that is pussy. Pussy Manifesto.
Kick your ass open and the bleeding intestines fall out. We are all in this together so you are not either. Bye. Cross my legs and hold it in.


BEGIN marchtwenty Forthward Ho! 2 Zero Zero 4

The midnight library collective is accepting donations of illegal and banned books. We will take the contraband off your hands and build it new in the night time planting the seeds under the moon of the new society that will outgrow your lifetime of repression.

At night we burn ourselves and together sit in a circle staring at it. The it is the Tele and we Evangalise for it building up our newer more moedern nation TO THE STARS?


The voice inside of you is a little bit drugged and now it is shaking and a little bit harder to be talking right now. the stay alive campaign was pure dogma. Don't drink and drive? Sheahyah, Right?

The Miami Ghetto DJ. Fuck the last of the beat bhox boys for freedom dancing in the street on used cardboard when the police are not looking.

We are all there and so are you too. but you can't see yourself. Sometimes you remember that it is real life right now but I forgot already that because it is not important or relevant... A drug induced distyractions. Why worry anyway? Does existentialism make you act any different?

By definition it was all irrellevant. By self definition.

He was starting to drool now and the drugs were really beginning to kick him in.
the door swung open and in walked the policeman with the tight, tight pink pants. "I do not think you want to know this about me, Sir, But I am a lesbian trapped inside of a man's ugly body." She beat you of over the head like a man and your skull shuddered ah crackin' "YEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAWW! she yelled with glee, a deep throaty laugh.

In heaven there are no Angels and Kennth patchen is not there for you to converse with. The brain does not know what the body is about to see. The world is manufactured by our chemical impulses. reality is mostly a narrow band of elecromagnetic radiation. He clung to real life like shit on a stick, like it was his only hope and his last breath. He breathed in and out and tried to feel the importance of what it meant for him to be here now and alive. The doing didn't matter so much because he was a Westerner and magic is so relativistic.
Dogma. Catchecism. The Drug Against War, Line After Line and round After Round, Empty Shells Fall to the ground, Empty shells at 1 million dollars per head count body lick the last sex to be left unmolested.


The indian walked into the Oakridge Sholling Mall and crying, spoke softly the words, this was for my grandmother. He pulled the trigger and blew mis self bombed away. The glass roof imploded and the mall collapsed. Every body in the Kinny Shoe store Outlet was murdered in cold blood.

I am going to burn this whold world down. I never was a part of you anyway. Burn! Rebrith of the Archangel Gabreial. The Saw toothed construction worker builds the butterfly goddess to keep walking into the chainsaw machine gun death derby demolition hot pants firey suicide killing all the babies on the blockasaurus and the the orange oven mitt is all that survives in the smouldering rubble.

My teeth hurt because I am clenching my jaw too much due to the anger. Your car does not affect me and I can ride my bike safely here whilst ignoring you - I will be happy even though you are not.

Guns thrown out in the garbage are hauled out to the dump. The muzzle shatters and contorts as the massive trash compactor in the back of the refuse truck crushes the guns in the grabage. The bullet explodes and the mechanism fires at nothing, exploding the gun dies itelf, alone, not taking you or me with it. In the garbage dump of the future the poor and rich opportunists alike will be mining for the golden nugget of the wealth that was not destroyed but merely chucked out.

Help me because you tear down my reason. Your sex I can smell. You make me perfect. I want to feel you from the inside out. the last place wiggy wiggy drug induced coma. Now i am closer to the God.

Do you beleive in god. I want you to say yes so that I can reply by saying that now you will know what I am talking about when I say that there is no god. God is there right in front of you and me and I and you in this very moement, the only moement there ever is or ever will be, even as it keels chainging. The moment is now and we are in one together he and you and she and me we three's company parted company together said out goodbyes but did not leave we loved and lost and forgot and took it all for granted while wasting away the hours drinking the good stuff.

I reached ouyt and endeed the life of the fly. i did not want to hurt, merely to kill fast and wquick. For no reason except that it was [not he or she] there and i could kill and he wasn't me but bothering my perifferal vision with presence, now he you it was over. Sorry but buh bye die die.

if you beleive in having sex say hell, fuck yeah!
Hell yeah!


BEGIN march 7 2004 - oh my god I hate birthdays I am such a grumpyeurpuss

I don't think that is the right attitude young man. That is unappreciative and ingrateful!
Here is another fucking popcorn machine. Here is some mint chocolate. Here is a huge pile of god damn super gifts. A bike, a trailer, a bunch of lights, a bag of bud, some books, a fancy pipe, crayons and a newsprint scratch pad, a mirror... Another T-shirt.

Fuck the hell off! Why do people not listen to me. They want to give me all this stuff with their hard earned money that I don't need. They don't want to listen to what I say I need. They are not interested in that. I spew so much nonsense all the time that nobody listens to me seriuously. Disempowering in a way. On the other hand now that I get to play the fool I guess I can say anything.

I really ought to join the fools society.

Holy fuck you motherfucking baby fucker. The passion of the blood. bloodtvurst. the copyright is the law so don't question. Don't you want the compensation? Don't you want the fair use. The fair use is gone. The last thing we knew was the dead death of the dying dayloight and the wexploding cars under the pool table. What do you want to go to today asshole? Wheree are you going with me todfay? Whaer is the shit lick fuck hole fagoot. Fagggg!!! You are burned at the steak. Stakes are high. Powems wick waawya the sweat from thee surface of thee body. Tomahawk hcowboyuse riding across the desert dreams. Frires burning in the sunset the last buffalo we ate for breakfast. The sands are growing and enveloping the earth. The Ice melts and the water warms and the Ice will not come back to freeze again. We are now driving so fast that everything is blur. the wheels are getting hot and the body of the vehicle is vibrating. The vibrations get loder and loder and the speeed increases but the gas pedal is still pressed against the floor and the tachometer keeps climbing slowly.

And they are what to fuck the cars. And they all want to be the cars. They all want to have their death on television. The cause equals the time. Seperation is devine. They all want to love their cars. They all need to be the cars. They all want to fuck the cars. Fuck the cars in the tailpipe with a hard throbbing cock inside the brittle rusty steel tube. We all love the cars.

The Car is now exploding and rolling and spinning with Shiva the dance that destroys the universe. The words are all empty and everything means everything. The lo0ve is the hate and the hate is the toothpaste painted on the housecoat exterior sitting in the bathtub combing your hair and mastrubating to the music. Drop the toaster in the water the hairdryer electric radio frys you and burns your body in the bathtub. The convulsions shake the water and the body contorts beyond what you thought you could do with it. But this is not your body anymore and the electricity takes over and your dance in the water is your last dance. Dance to explosion fire burning everywherre and the car explodes the vibrations are too much spinning over the cliff flying through the blus sky the doom is the most beautiful moment in the whole movie and you are dying but this is your apocolyptic purpose at least you are not meaningless and the maning you have is all important because your meaning is the death of the worldf and your armegeddom is terrible and it causes howling crying and the knashing of teeth in everybody it touches but you have the powere and the maning and the content.

The car is still burning but it has not stoppee. The car rolled and the car keeps driving because the wheels still spin and the road is still there. You are driving off into the distyance forwever and now the fire is sputtering out but the car still rockets forward still accellerating to infinity. Your friends are now charcoal logs of carbonised fleash stretched out in the agony of the death moment sitting beside you in the drivers seat but you are still driving. The gas pedal is down and the turn signal is broken but the highway goes on. Your death did not end the world. Your narcisitic fantasy of meaning on the highspeed death trap was over and wrong. You are not gone and the world keeps turning. The road stretches off and the asphalt under you is hotter and pore solid than your are no matter how hard a fist you are trying to make.

The striped line blinks on and off and you stay on the right side of the road. Vrooohm the wind in your hair is unbeleivable and keeps you focused. You are floating through time and their is no easy answer. You tried to drive the highway of fire and now your doom was a failure just like everything else in yours and my life. You turned to god in the last moment and the devil helped you burn it all down. Burn away the pain. Fuck away the evil. Happy with the chemical adrenaline high. But now it is over and you are still crashing and driving at the same time without the end in sight. God did not take you away to magic and your escape was only another attempt. Everyone around you is ahead and behind driving also forward and looking forward and not at ytou. They are all intently focused on themselves and do not notice how the fire burned your aposstry away from the car but the blackened and charred frame dripping molten hot plastic trails long drippy strings on the road behind you. They did not notice the way that your mind collapsed and you crashed and embraced the apocolypse. They did not notice the burning. They did not notice the recovery and the dying of the flame rebirth. They did not see how you were dissappointeed by the resurrection and you wished the crash was fatal. They did not notice because they are focused on themselves and are all doing the same thing. Some are burning right now as we speak. Some are already burned and have come through the whole ordeal and come through relatively healthy and unharmed. Some don't even know where they are headed too. Some are tumbling towards the burning and think that they are the first ones to do it ever that what they are thinking and seeing is new. But they all look ahead driving the same speed but always a little faster than their neighbour beside them. The traffic jam is racing ahead together. One beautifully synchronised long line of cars. You would think it was a long train everyone attached together because the highway moves as one unrelenting like one long solid snake winding through the open expanse of highway and into the tunnel and up into the city through the streets of the neightbourhoods and playgrounds never relenting always pushing ahead forging the new path behind the car in front and followed closely by a long line of the same brand of cars.
"Sometimes they yell into the cell phone after almost crashing and hurting somebody" Do not look back or get out and stop whatever you do talk to the pedestrian lying sprawled across the cement runway. Keep pushing ahead and lament into the cell phone talking to you father and best friend that the stranger is hurt but thank god the family is safe.

But you describe it as "Ohmiugawds! Shit That person, Us and them we all buy the CokeTM but you are not me and stay away from him he will get me into trouble just don't look at those people."

The cell phone has your vocabulary memorised and keeps statistics on the sucess of your conversation. You have used the words "sweet" and "how are you feeling" and "I see" and "yes" 37.5% of the conversation. The sucess was a sucess because you connected and used the right words. The "and" and the "the" word are used plus far too many "Umm..." 46.9% So you were uncertain and not a good business talker you will not make a lot of money from this converstation and you must lower this statistic and use more 'power speak' and 'enabling' talk if you expect to compete and win your peice of the pie in the jungle out there. But you and her, you also have failed because you said "no", "but, wait" and "question" 15.6% which is far too high a percentage and uncertainty is not permitted. Please report and turn yourself in to the nearest police station. Hopefully if you get enough royalties from the use of your patent word "HyperMegaGlobal" Then you can collect enough good words to pay for the bail and get out of jail.

she skipped to the end of the bible and handed it to her monkey named jimmy joe, "read" she pleaded the command.


BEGIN feb 15th - 2004 - nite afta tha peoplez prahm... hung overed writing for school

So this is the story of Fred and Kathy or Paris Franks and Bobo. Bobo was a business man from North Demaskas which is in the middle hiterlands of Ahmericah. Kathy was his wife. She was a good wife and a good property investment for him. She and he were driving in their Suburbanator G5 i86 Town Jeep Car that is Built Ford Tough™.

Paris Gypsum was sitting there in the passenger seat of course. Bobo would never tolerate having a woman driver. They were driving along the North Arkansas Way Motorway Pike which goes from Wyoming to Fort Lauderdale. This was their daily commute and it lasted 3.6 hours each way so of course they were deeply involved in their business conversation. Even though Fred and Kathy could not be equals in the realm of Driving the Car command responsibilities, they were equal business parteners. The business they worked at was book publishing, which is a tough business. But they were tough folk, Wilma and Jim, they had entered the information age with a bang and a lot of their business on the AOL Internet™ [AOL invented the internet]

They actually had a built in desk for Kathy to work at there in the passenger side of the G4 car they were piloting at 125km/hr [or 85 Ahmericahnn Miles]. The desk was very nice and made of burl walnut inlay of the plastic vinyl fold out from the dashboard. It had 6 cup holders and these were used for the coffees that Bobo and Wilma would be drinking. They each had 3 coffees each: Americano, Expresso and Frappachino. they had little heaters underneath each of the cups which were used to keep the coffee freashly brewed™ until they were ready to drink them, one per hour, to sustain them for the entirely long car ride.
Kathy was working there with her laptop, the newest Pentium 286 IBM Amiga Archiatecture™
"Fredly, do you think the budget balance sheets will be balanced in the report to our finacial stockholders this quarterly term?"

"Well Deary Dear Sweet Paris, I sure as hell hope so otherwise I will get the can and no longer be the CEO of this here enterprise that you and I have started."

"OK Bobo, I know that as well as you do. However, what I think this means is that we are going to really have to lean heavily on the new book in the next stock report. If we can get some top sales when we publish this new book then that will wow the investors and I might even get a raise."

"Yes Deary Sweet, getting you, the Senior Vice President of this company a raise would be very important and necessary for all of us. Everyday when I go to work, while i drive this long long 3.6 hour commute just to get to work and back, well it is kind of Shitty..."

She cut in, "Now Bobo, I..."

But he interrupted her to continue.
"Wilma, You know what I meant to say, dear, I didn't mean to say that."

"Missus Gypsum, I think you know this is about little Billy Bob, our cute orphaned orangatang, he is a cripple and we are his parent. I so dearly wish the world were a different place and i didn't have to spend all of my life in this damn publishing business and driving for hours and hours and hours. Sometimes i worry that we will miss little Billy Bob growing up and all the precious KodakFuji Moments™ that we could be spending together. But, Alas, that is the nature of publishing in the modern world, it is a dog eat dog world out there and you gotta fight to survive."

There was a long pause and he stared off into the distance. They had a lot of long silences during their commute - just staring off into the big open expanses of blue green sky. It was a beautiful desert landscape out here in Nebraska - Big Sky Country™ as the locals liked to call it and was printed on every state issued licence plate. This is probabbly what made the long commute terrible, the sublime beauty of the desert, so flat as far as the eye could see, just a tiny strip of empty open road disappearing off into the distance. Fredly could just stare off into that vanishing point of the road like it was the nexus of nirvana, Heavens dark light at the end of the bright tunnel. He didn't really like the long drive piloting the boat down the nevereding speedway all that much. But he had grown fond of some of the habits he picked up and he was comfortable now after 45 years of doing the same thing every day, 4 days a week, 53 weeks a year. On Fridays he would telecommute from his home office and fax the AOL/Vivendi/Internet™ his business reports. This gave him the opportunity to spead time at home with the little monkey named Billy Bob that Rita and he were rasing as their only child.

"You know Gretta, that I am doing all because I love you...
And I love the little guy too, that Billy Bob is the apple of my eye. I sorely miss the weekend when it is the weekday."

"The operation." Interjected Wilma in a quivering voice.
"Yes the Operation, Paris. That is why we are doing this work every day. We need to pay for that operation. That is what i keep telling myself everytime I turn the ignition in dread of the long work day. We drive the boat [The G4 PowerFord SUV that they are currently driving, not really a boat, but it does swim] To keep our little Billy Bob afloat! Never forget this is all to pay for his heart transplant operation in November. Without that new heart little Billy Bob will surely die and that would break my poor little heart, and I would die too. We must keep him alive a few more years even though our son is already a 97 year old monkey, the oldest monkey to have ever lived. Because until we reach him with the message of Jesus' Love and convert him down our righteous path then his soul will go to Hades when he dies. We must keep him alive a few more years until we can sucessfully convert him from his heathen ways. Then when he dies a natural death, after so many years of sin, but still with the final all important soul saving repentance and accepting the lord Jesus into his heart while on his deathbed, then he will be saved and go up into heaven on the glorious beam of light! Halleglujah! Halleglujah! We will save the soul of our precious son, the monkey named Billy Bob."

Paris Gypsum finished the thought for her hubby Manfried, they were a close couple:
"When we adopted that sweet little monkey only 33 years ago I knew in my heart that he was very special to Jesus and that we could savee him. It has been a long long journey and there were so many expenses - like those titanium monkey dentures, for our senior citizen monkey son."

"But we can do it Wilma, You and Me, CEO and VP of our own book publishing company, the biggest such company in the entire Southern Midwest of Ahmericah"

"Will just keep on trucking, You and Me, Mr. Concrete and Missus Gypsum Paris, we will make enough money with our new book launch to impress the stockholders and get us a raise and then pay for Billy Bobs monkey heart transplant in November, then we will save him like the good Christians that we are and we will have not suffered through this long long car drive trip every day in vain. Praise Old Glory, Only in AHmericaH, HallejlujaH!" She lovingly responded to her driving husband.

"Hallejujah for Ahmericah, only in the Holy Land of the FREE, Hallelujah!" He piped.
Then he focused in on his driving and Jillian passed him his next coffee and turned off the coffee wramer. Jillian Paris Gypsum looked down at her laptop and started typing again, back to work. They didn't talk much for the next half hour or so, just driving down the beautiful desert highway, passing smaller cars on their way to work.


Later that same day, on the way home from work:
"Ahh what a tough day, what a great feeling this warm hottub provides. i am so glad we got it installed in our Lincoln Navigator Car™."

"Yes dear, we just sit back here relaxing and unwinding, and the autopilot computer of the Navigator just does all the sailing. We relax and the car drives itself! What could be better. Really makes the 3.6 hour commute just fly on by and soon we will be home from work again."

Fred Concrete and Kathy Gypsum were reclining, nude, in their heated hottub at the back of the Lincoln TowncarSUV™ and the car was driving itself on autopilot. They had gone through the drive thru for Sushi back in Fort Lauderdale and they were eating their meal with chop sticks while relaxing in the tub. They had a floating hottub table for eating off of. It was made of matching burl walnut and vinyl and had 3 cup holders for coffee with heaters in them. There was a stand with a plug in for the laptop, full TelusADSL™ high speed AOLInternet™ connection but no printer because it was a floating swimming pool table and the printer might get wet. There were also two place mats for eating meals, a chopping knife, little trays for the sushi garnish with Wasabi and Soy Sauce and Fresh Pink Pickled Ginger. Wilma was eating California Roll with crab, avocado and cucumber and Fred was eating BC Roll with Fresh smoked salmon skin wrapped in rice, seaweed and sesame sprikles. They were having a good meal, their favorite Sushi that they always ate on Thursday nights, the last commute of the week. Mr Fred Plywood had just eaten a rather large chunk of green wasabi, that super spicey Japanese horseradish, and he was enjoying the sensation of the burn in his throat and the tears loosening his sinus mucus.

"Fredly my Hubb, what do you really think this book is all about? this next venture is such an important one for us and our monkey, will this book really be good enough to be a best seller and WOW the stockinvestors?" Wilma quiried.

Fred blinked the tears back out of his eyes and tried to regain his compose after the Wasabi hit before responding, "You know dear that it is top secret, the Patent pending the ideas mentioned in this upcoming financial advice book our little monkey wrote for us! So please, lets be careful about talking about it out in the open."

"I guess it is fine here now to discuss the book because it is us here in the hottub and the computer driving the car. Make sure the speakerphone cellular is turned off and I will tell you."

Harriet reached over briefly exposing her nude behind as she leaned out of the hot tub and snapped the off switch on the phone firmly, it was already off but "it never hurts to be too careful." like Freddy Jim would always say. She dropped back into the tub with a splash that gently rocked the floating hotpool dining table and all the contents piled atop: Sushi, condiments, utensils, hot drinks, computer and office stress foam ball.

"I'm all ears Mr. Jim. You know how I love reading get rich quick financial books. I am certain that our monkey has written a bestseller and I have faith in your publishing and editing abilities, but as Senior VP, I do think I deserve a little sneak peak at the hot content of our book before next Saturdays Book Launch at Chapters.caCanadaPost™."

"Of course my lovely wife and business partner, I've only been saving it until it was well edited before sharing the concept with you. I want it to be beautiful and impressive."
"The simple idea of this book, when we get down to it, is that the © which we think stands fof the word Copyright and is used everywhere in business today does not stand for Copyright! That © actually stands for Capitalism. ©apitalism!"

She stared deep into her swirling bubble bath of hot water before responding, "Well imagine that, Franky Concrete, I suppose that is indeed quite a revolutionary idea. I've always known that © was an important icon for business when i ordered that major upgrade of all the computer keyboards in our administrative head offices. I mean that was a major shift in thinking for everyone in the publishing business to do without the letter "W" and replace the key with the "©" symbol. But of course it was well worth it for us because we use the © much more than the W anyways, who really needs that letter anyways? Our stockholders certainly didn't when shares jumped 35% that quarter!"

"Ka Ching!" Exlaimed Willis and he gave Wilma a high five. They had both been key archiatects of the 1951 stock shares turnaround market rally, it had saved the company from going bankrupt. In fact they had modified the keyboards to utilise 4 new standard symbols. The lower case "w" was a ©, the Shift "W" was ™ the upper case D was the ® symbol and lower case "u" changed to PATENT PENDING #. They had saved themselves 19.51 Billion dollars in efficiancy savings that year and had continued to reap millions in royalties from the sales of patented keyboard design: the SuperIP [Intellectual Property] W-less keyboard.

"But of course that sweet little nugget about the ©apitalism not ©opyright connection doesn't get revealed until Chapter 8 of our new book." Continued Fredly.

"Lucky number 8 for the Asian Market, of course." Commiserated Paris, and Willis nodded silently.

"Of course that cunning © business insight cannot have come entirely from our monkey son author's brain, could it Concreto?" Noted Martha. "I do love him like my own and beleive in his abilities to write bestsellers, but can he really think in terms of higher level abstract business analysis? He doesn't yet even have a Christian soul and so I just can't imagine he came up with that on his own. Of course our espiaonage department must have

"Think of all the T shirts with that printed on it that we could sell and engraved coffe mugs and books on tape read by Governor Arnold Swartzenegger!" she mused dreamily.
...The story of SCO and Mircosoft pirating Linux