
BEGIN Sept-23-2003So where are we learning to do all this writing?

And what is the Point of it all?
The font will change a lot from caps to bold to non-
I don't like doing all this stuff really. Do I really want to do art? Do I think it is all too much bullshit? How can it be hard anyway? Am I having a mid 20s crisis of identity? Again?

What do I care what is written. Do you like to read. Is all the angst gone after all these years? Shall the angst be forgotten? I like to make things, theyt like to say things. I like to be beautiful and live with people as they are those stupid ungrateful motherfuckers.
Lets kill first the banker, with his professional demeanor, lets televise and broadcast the raping of kings. lets televise and broadcast the... let our crowds be fed on plate glass and tear gas, because a people united it a wonderful thing.

I always wanted to be a hermit and live alone. Once I though that if the acadamic political bullshit writing did not work out then i could always just go to art school. Two years in I wonder about that vague premonition I also had that I was going to end up alone as a hermit. Jane is with me now and I am attached to her. That is very good. however she is not angry like I am and not so dissatissfied. Is our combination good or bad for me or her? If so which which?

I read a book about satanism that was very good and taught me a lot about christianity even though it was old fashioned and slightly racist.
I travelled a lot and felt unimpressed and depressed this summer. Felt sad and angry and empty. I liked writing a lot then. I suppose I've been a habit of doing it a lot in various ways for a long time. Am I really passionate about everything? Am I really never going to change. Am change wot now>?

The last cliche I gopt bored of I forgot to write down. Yesterday I went out into the real landscape of the world of parks in Vancouver and saw how it is much changed. I see I am out of touch to the street. I come and go and thing I am what I ain't. I've got too big an ego. So should I dig in my prinicples or learn too compromise. Do I really want to go that way. And if not, is there any other possibility. What about the other people's heads. I don't want to deal with them. I say that is my concern.

What is the nature of authority? Leadership is such a distracting idea.
When people get old and change and forget do they die? There was an post APEC riot at the hyatt court case monday last. I did not step forward and volunteer to testify. I hope they didn't need me. I hope I didn't let down sid tan. Now that it is over I lost the power of the choice I had last sunday. Is that a real loss or imaginary.

Time gets lost and you can say be wise and don't worry but that is gone and you are too late. Regret is useless but the only thing you remember after a while.
The burning is no longer so black. the adult world is inescapable. Children are innocent and teenagers are fucked up in the head, adults are even more fucked up, and elderlies are like children. You ain't an adult until you reproduce. When you are 13 you are a man. There is no relevant measure of anything and everything is nothing much. Drinking when you are old means you are an alcoholic. I don't have any drugs. I want to be drunk but i won't because I need to work tommorrow morning some. I need to get things done. I don't know what it is that I need to get done. When you reproduce and have a child you know what to do because you have necessity. The child gives you strength and meaning and purpose and it is a life sentance. Ask for nothing more, fate is fatal.
Where is the rebel gone now? Who is the sell? Salesman wanderer. Corporate pirates know how to win. You won't stop them. They know art better than you because they work with computers. If you see the image of authority you will hand it over too them and not see any theft.

Air, water, land, thoughts.... Compete to be free. COmpete to be free.
Remember for thousands of year people beleived in ludicris religions of self mutilation. It is a long way off, everything. I am not young unless I wear makeup. I am not old until I get cancer.
people beleive in obesity now. They think their pets are too fat. They think they are too fat because they eat too much sugar and fat. They thing the gym is a great thing. They think babies should be on a diet. They think taking a diet fast to clean out the system is a good idea. they think it is Eastern. Hooray caste system.

Europe has so many cool old liberal traditions. Europe has so many alive old nazi deamons.

We drove our car across the icerink one morning and ran over the goal post and hockey net. The net bled gatorade brand thirst quencher is it in you? We then took the I5 down to the dessert first convention in portland, ORg.on. USA. America in not an empire of the Hummer. One day Arnold Swartzenegger will beat us all. the terminator is the best dude. I remember when T2 came out when I waws in highschool. or grade 7 actually
We all binge drink a lot now. Drugs are still a war on in most parts of the world. War and terrorism have become the new cold war deal. We needed one badly and they said it was coming but then they did what we said and we were surprised and acted unhappy.
The conspiracy denies the complexity of it all and the simplicity. The conspiracy is the wrong mode of analysis.

I have a dialysis machine. I use it to burn my brain out. The last brain I had was tryiing to find oblivion. Then I got me some Good Sense and turned away from that path. Now I try to think clearly now and be productive. I would rather live on the street as a hobo hermit. I would rather deal with my own little world of feeding myself and sheltering and technical issues. I could be so clever and design my own house out of refuse for free and I could make my own beautiful thing in the woods.
Are people in the 3rd world really so poor that they can't ever run away. Or they arleady did run to the city and there lies the ghetto outskirts?


The guns of the world are all made of metal. I I had a gun I would shoot me the best art ever. Gun are art. No need for artist anymore. We all feel very dramatic when we watch this thing. What is the artist for if not to paint your cock red white and blue? Oil or watercolour, which do you prefer good sir, only the finest paints for our most valued customer.
Remember the concept is what the "in" crowd says it is. Don't write too much first or they know you lie. The best art around nowadays is collage and I can't do it. Who wants to do a collage anyway so boring. The last night in the sun is burning my retina. We are too old for it anyway. No more prancing around in the dark until all hours. The last thing we did was serious fun adult style.

Cars make me feel young. Stupidity makes me feel young. Computer games make me forget where I am. Drugs make me forget where I am. Nostalgia makes me feel better.
Is the now really so bad. What had we when we were young that made being bored a fun thing or is that rose coloured vision. I don't want to stay up too late tonight.

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