Digging For Fire July 9 2000006
The over pass was getting hot and under my fingers the wheels softened.
Rocks might melt one deay my dear, said the old women to me. She had a big shovel.
Little pixies in the woods feed my satiation and whet their toes in the damp dew of the lilyfrost. Because of me we are all going to be home soon. Because of me she has the best lumber under this neck of the tires. Teepee Motorroute frequently walking on stilted legs of terrific girth. Megawhonow? Because my dog bites and barks free. She has the strongest arms of any woman to hold me, in. Levitate. Ash particles of carbon newspaper read me the headlines of the day as they float down out of the black summer day sky. My shift. My shirt in papers. I read the fashion section on a scrap of uncharred B7
Holy is his name. We shall leave this organ to '86. Deeply. Forevermore. My last little blue book gre up in a woods before it all was there. The nuclear bombs were all that they had to worry t'bout back then? So lucky for the simple things. How I wish it were again. We will be together soon.
Move swiftly. My security costs are skyrocketing in the wake of the salt lake city 2010 riots. We co-ordinated them with our coterie in order to have them be everywhere at once. That is, in the year 2010, we done organised a riot in every past and future olympic city sports venue. This is why the septnembrer levnenth ballooning projections for cost of perimeter enforcements. Send 'em in. My lefty was loosey. I was digging for fire under the earth. There is still yet only one lady in the canadian armed forced fighterjet patrol but equality is coming yet and finally the govt is putting the money where the mouth is be more too. Be a fireman in the woods of desert. A green camouflaged fireman builds the new day for us.
So what if i think your soil is too acidic from growing up in the cedar. My latin si'nsit so t'good anywayz. Me say; for them. Surely, I say. If you wanty too?
Me three
1 комментарий:
The Patchen recordings I have are two cassette tapes from The Smithsonian Institution Folkways series: Kenneth Patchen reads with jazz in Canada,(I also have this on CD, it was re-released a couple of years ago by Locust Music out of Chicago) a recording done at the old CBC studio in Vancouver in 1959 it includes Four Blues Poems, Four Song Poems, As I Opened the Window and Glory, Glory.
Glory, Glory, is in my opinion the high point of this recording. The other tape is Selected Poems of Kenneth Pathcen: Read by Kenneth Pathchen, no jazz on this one, him reading 19 poems. I also have 8 MP3's a gathered from the internet. Yes I like that- So Many Little Dyings, it's by Kyle Gann, nice use of a Patchen sample. Something else I have is 'The City Wears a Slouch Hat' a radio play written by Patchen, the music done by John Cage, it was performed on CBS radio in 1942. Let me know if any those interest you, if so I could burn them on to a disc, and send them on to you. Yeah, thats the order of his novels, as far as I know, lots of poetry in between of coarse...Journal of Albion Moonlight is the one I return to again and again, I'd love to make a film version.
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