
girl, you are so crazy!

BEGIN mai11.2006

No I wuzn't.

There haf been 15 times today at which point I have realised the solution to all of my problems. Each solution more ingenious than the last. Now I sit in front of the computer waiting. Waiting for my unarticulated ideas to take form.

The problem with everything is that too many people make up problems.

If only everything were in me already, I would never haff to eat. Haffing a big penis does not ensure you get the lots of girls. Haffing a big childhood does not allow you to be growing up right again. They're just flyers, advertising a pressure washer and electric solar garden lights. On sale now. The Jobmate brand of tools is a poor product but it is always cheap.

I hate to think where that iron came from. Nails in my gut foretell of death and disaster.

Did you know that no one of them did anything about it?

We sat there on the beach drinking our wine and flirting. The sun kissed our cheeks and the blue sky shone overnear. We waffled. The Bar-Bee-Que was a terrible mess: Everybody was rained on. At least we'll always have Uclulet.

Me, I believe in friendly bears. Some people say I'm a joke. My person is never empty and never full. I'm a glass half plastic kind of man. We went to the mall to buy new shoes for the wedding and engagment party. The stock broker recommended we invest in some form of Capitol. Lenders are the most generous people in the whole world.

Kindness of strangers reminds me of a cover story for Readers Digest I once wrote for the CIA. The CIA is never late, they always get their man. Mounties mounted the moose. Free sticker labels only $9.95 and dispenser $3.95 plus shipping and tax. 5 lines of 24 characters each, bold or italics.

I want to have angels. I want to have a paving machine. The road would be hot and fresh beneath my every footstep. I would follow closely the line painting truck.

For me there is pepper, I put it on my plate. I was once a punt rock legend in the underground. Forgetmenot for I still maintain the proper haircut. Leaving the birds at the shore we flew into the water. Underneath there were stars and whispy yellow clouds. The Sattelite Jupiter has 4 furthur satellites including a bumpy moon. Ur-anus.

Never in all my years did I see such a hospital helicopter. It was carrying cheap plywood to build a new condiminium development. If only the beds were empty.

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